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The New Layout and Blogs of Notice

The blog layout has been changed, obviously. Hopefully this can be more well arranged, less of a cluttered mess, which should be less disrupting. Now that things seem to be more in order, I will begin welcoming people to our "Blogs of Notice" please be well-informed that you may use to send in an e-mail about your blog, only. I will not use this to accept and read any personal material of any kind, and therefore if private messages are sent to this e-mail address, they will be deleted immediately. Now, how exactly does this work? Well.

For those posting their blog related material, you need to have and be the owner of the blog in question naturally. Here you will send an e-mail of a useable blog-icon and or logo, the logo should not be excessive in size, please bare in mind that excessive logos will make your blog mail get deleted. Once you have that, you simply give a description of what your blog is about, and why you think people should notice your blog. Now does this guarantee you, a spot in the blog of notice, and our link-bar? Not necessarily. Every friday this e-mail will be checked for the blogs of notice. And every friday only "two" will be posted. Those two who are posted, will be added to the subscribed-list, linked on the left side of this page, and, have a post made with the owners description and reason, in the "Blogs of Notice" area. And they will be chosen by SiNn and/or myself, meaning only the two favorited of 'that' week, will be posted, the rest will just have to either, try again the next week, or, well, with all due respect, float off happily in the same boat you'll likely be pissed in.

Thank you very much, and happy blogging. Tristan.


Your children, and the internet gaming.

Inconsiderate assholes, your children, and online-gaming communities. How does this all fit together? Too many people fully relinquish any means of a control scheme over their children, by just allowing them to play videogames, now please, be aware that this is not an anti-gaming flame, as it were, but rather, a rant against parents of those who allow their children to play "online" in general.

The problem becomes more aware, by listening and or watching a child's behavior in any online enviornment really. The parents lacking any form of communication in teaching their children respect, they aren't the ones that have to put up with the children's behavior. So, when the child is playing this online game, these parents are not the ones made to hear the insult-matches, as they begin to lose, hearing them tell some other child to "suck their balls", or threatening to "kill one another", etc.

What this boils down to, is that parents should teach their demon spawn to have a little more respect, to even at the very least, fully comprehend what they are saying to people, over the internet, before they are saying it, and the dangers of talking to people this way on the internet, in general. Because well, let's face it, you never really understand, who you are talking to, what kind of person this person you speak to might actually be. Even having polite conversations with people these days, is a gamble, but to be that vulgar and crappy with "everyone" who does something you dislike, its poor-sporting, which, is the wrong kind of attitude to have in any gaming enviornment that revolves around more than one person. And, it's just downright rude. So, to resolve this problem, if your child spends time on the internet, listen to them if they're one of these mouthy-types, I suggest a bottle of dawn dishsoap. It won't kill them, we had it done to us, and we turned out just fine. Thank you very much.